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Main Economy Investors Investment offers of enterprises and organizations of the region

The Open Joint-Stock Company «Telekhany Carpentry Plant »

14/06/2023 16:06






I. General information about the project

1. Project title: The sale of the open joint-stock company "Telekhany plant of joiner’s products" with a single property complex

2. Project's branch: construction

3. Location of the project:225275, Zavodskayastr 1,Telekhany town, Ivatsevichi district, Brest region.

4. Description of the project

In order to meet the requirements of creditors, improve the financial condition of the enterprise and save jobs, the company with a half-century of its history, is offered without debts and encumbrances. The main advantages of the project:

the availability of a compact production base provided by the main production and storage facilities;

relatively sufficient level of qualification of working specialists of the main profile specialties, both engineering and technical personnel and workers;

sufficient staffing of three workshops (sawmilling, carpentry and manufacturing of carpentry products from the profile) by the main production assets of the profile assignment;

         developed drying facilities;

         Presence of certain guaranteed volume of state purchases and experience of deliveries to outward markets.

5. Degree of project readiness (availability of a business plan, feasibility study, marketing research or other forms testifying to project preparation):

There is a rehabilitation plan and an appropriate decision of the economic court to open the procedure for sanitation (rehabilitation) of the enterprise for the period until February 2025.

II. Information about the initiator of the project

1.               Full name of the organization:Open joint-stock company "Telekhany plant of joiner's products" State association "Brestoblselstroy".

The abbreviated name: OJSC "Telekhany plant of joiner's products" ВА"Association Brestoblselstroy".

Legal and postal address: Republic of Belarus, Brest region, 225275, Zavodskayastr 1, Telekhany towntel / fax. 801645 2-17-51.

Bank details: Settlement account BY60BAPB30122500600110000000 at the branch of OJSC "Belagroprombank", Minsk, БИК BAPBBYX;

УНН 200099487 ОКПО 05889294.

2. Date of registration of the organization: In 2003, in the process of privatization of the regional communal property by the order of the Brest Regional Territorial Fund of the State Property (Brestproperty) from 30.09.2003. № 228 by means of transformation of the State unitary production enterprise "Telekhanyplant of joiner's products" OJSC "Telekhany plant of joiner's products" was created. On October 17, 2003, the Brest region Executive Committee registered the community.

3.Distribution of the statutory fund in shares,%:


Доля, %

stateownership (stateshare)







III. Characteristics of the markets planned for production

A. Characteristics of the products planned for production:

1. name and description of the products: Sawmill, manufacture of wood joinery and PVC profiles (window and door blocks), molded products from coniferous and hardwood.

2. The main consumers:The organizations forming part of the State association "Brestoblselstroy."

3. Main competitors: Individual entrepreneurs of the district and region, private enterprises

B. Characteristics of the domestic market

1. current market volume (for the last reporting period): 95.2%

2. planned share of the domestic market: 60%

3. strategy of work in the domestic market:

lower prices

higher quality

more attractive service

state support (protection from imports, guaranteed public purchases and other support)

other (to write)

4. state regulation (price regulation, license of activities, etc.): yes

5. Other (please to write):Space for text

C. Characteristics of external markets

1. estimated distribution of sales volume by main regions,%:

Countries EAEU

themarket RB

EU countries






2. Does the company have experience of exporting to these countries:

yes;  no

3. Are these goods exported by other RB manufacturers to the main product markets (s):

yes;  no

IV. Description of available infrastructure

Railway and motor transport access:

own railway line - no

branch of the Belarusian Railway (distance from the site, km): 45

all-republican highways (distance in km): 4

other roads with improved coverage (distance in km): Р-6 Ivatsevichi-Pinsk-Stolin- 4 kм

 М-1/Е-30 Brest (Kozlovichi) – Minsk – the Russian federation border (Redki)- 45 kм

Availability of communications:


water supply

gas pipeline. Telehany gasified

Plot and production areas:

availability of land (area: 5.1164 ha, purpose: for maintenance of production areas)

presence of buildings (area: 9.3 thousand square meters, purpose: use of production facilities short description: sawmill, carpentry shop No. 2, PVC section)

Other infrastructure:

warehouses, logistics terminals (area: 0.79 thousand square meters, description: warehouses for storage of finished goods and technical materials)

possibilityfor further expansion of production and installation of additional powers

the possibility of creating the necessary infrastructure at the expense of the budget
 other (specify to write) at the expense of investors

V. Key advantages of the project

The description of each is brief:

developed brand

profile staff

supply network of raw materials and components

goods distribution network

guaranteed volume of orders

availability of valid patents, licenses, permits

availability of project benefits

the main partners of the State association "Brestoblselstroy."

other (to write):


VI. Financing of the project

A. Total investment costs for the project, total: from 600 thousand US dollars

B. Sources of the formation of the investment resources,
Choose the element:



Amount of funds

thousand US dollars














Others (pleaseto write):










C. Directions of the use of investment resources:

researches and developments

infrastructure development


purchase of real estate

purchase of equipment, technologies, licenses

preparationfor production

enrichment of current incomes

other (please to write): property sale

Form of investors participation in the project:

Forms of investors participation in the project

Share of the investor in the authorized capital when implementing the planned participation form,%

Contribution to the statutory fund of a new enterprise


Purchasing of a block of shares (shares in the statutory fund) of an existing enterprise



Purchasing of the enterprise as a property complex


Additional issue of shares for sale to the investor



Others (to write):







VII. Contact information of the responsible person at the enterprise

Responsible executor (full name, position):

Phone Number: 80164521014 Fax: 80164521751

