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Electronic appeals addressed to top officials of the oblast executive committee can be submitted in the special section "Electronic appeals" on the official website of the oblast executive committee in the Internet.

In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On appeals of citizens and legal entities” No.300-3 of 18 July 2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Law), electronic appeals are considered according to the procedure established for written hardcopy appeals taking into account peculiarities specified by Article 25 “Consideration of electronic appeals” of the Law.

Requirements for electronic appeals are specified by paragraph 1, subparagraphs two to four of paragraph 2 or subparagraphs two to five of paragraph 3 of Article 12 of the Law (available below).

Electronic appeals submitted by representatives of applicants must be accompanied by electronic copies of the documents confirming their authority.

If the established requirements are not met, Your electronic appeal may be discarded in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 15 of the Law.

Your application also has to contain information about results of the previous consideration of the appeal (if an appeal had been submitted earlier) with documents confirming this information attached (if available).

If you want to receive a hardcopy response to your electronic appeal on paper to your postal address, you have to specify it in Your electronic appeal.

If different applicants submit electronic appeals about the same matter (more than ten appeals), responses to such appeals can be posted on the official website of the government agency or another state organization in the Internet without sending answers (notifications) to the applicants by decision of the head of the government agency or a person authorized by the head to sign responses to appeals according to the established procedure.

Additional documents and (or) information (documents confirming the authority of representatives of the applicants, documents about results achieved by previous appeals and other documents and (or) information necessary to resolve the issues the appeal describes) must be attached as files.

In accordance with Article 7 of the Law, you have the right to:
withdraw your electronic appeal before it is considered by submitting a written appeal or sending an electronic appeal in the same manner the original electronic appeal was sent.

In accordance with Article 20 of the Law, you have the right to:
appeal against the response to your appeal or the decision to leave the appeal without consideration to a higher organization. You can appeal to court according to the established legal procedure against the organization’s response to the appeal or the decision to leave the appeal without consideration after appealing to a higher organization.

In order to submit an electronic appeal, you have to fill out the following form. All the fields must be filled in.


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