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Главная ROOT Область Brest customs

Brest customs

To get normative legal information connected with the transition of goods across the border and  declaration procedure it’s recommended to apply to the official site of the state custom committee of the Republic of Belarus


Contact phone numbers of Brest custom
Service on duty (0162) 470183
Reception (0162) 470110
Address Brest, Gavrilova  45, postal index 224028

The electronic address of Brest custom office info@customs.brest.by

Brest is one of the oldest cities of our country and it was always the centre of buoys international trade.  Full-flowing rivers of the Zapadnyj Bug and the Muhavec protected the settlement of ancient Brest citizens even better than the fortified walls and they also favoured the rapid growth of entrepreneurship, handicraft. Apparently these were the times when the first custom office appeared. The first documental proof of the foundation of the first custom office dates back to 1449. Till the present days was preserved the storehouse where were kept the goods and was realized the collection of taxes. 

The history of Brest custom is inseparably connected with the formation and development of custom history on the border. Modern custom service was grounded on November 20th 1939 when in it`s personnel were only two members Aleksandr Rolcevich  (the former head of Tuapsinskaya custom office ) and Nikolaj Shinkevich  (the inspector of one of Moscow customs ).  Since 1941 till 1944 years the custom office ceased its activity, was reformed several times including 1946, 1965 and so on. Minsk custom post also belonged to its structure.

With the growth of vehicles in the structure of Brest custom office was grounded in 1969 a new custom post  "Warshavskij most " and in 1984 another custom post "Kozlovichi". In 1999-2008years thanks to the efforts of the custom organ who was the client of the construction under the ingenious guidance of the deputy head of the custom office Ivan Peseckij on the governmental border with Poland and Ukraine was created the infrastructure of seven points of passing.

In the process of the reorganization of the custom organs of the Republic of Belarus in 2008 Brest custom office became the largest one in the country.  In its zone of activity function more than 2 thousand objects of management and is secured the annual growth of the governmental budget by 500 milliards.  Every day at the custom are formalized near 1 thousand of cargo and passenger railway carriages, 1 thousand of auto railway trains, 5 thousand of passenger cars. Apart from these figures the members of the custom office daily meet and see off near 20 thousand of traveling citizens of different countries. Among them there are often the violators of custom regulations for whom the custom becomes the organ for investigation and confession on cases of contraband. Annually the members of the custom confiscate prohibited for transportation goods and objects representing historical and cultural value.   Some of them are placed in the unique museum "Spasennye hudozestvennye cennosty".

Apart from the fight against contraband, administrative infringements of law the custom solves the tasks on creation of the conditions contributing to the acceleration of goods turnover. Modern infrastructure provides the possibility of creating the transit attractiveness of transport corridors crossing the territory of the country.  The professionalism of the custom workers plays one of the most important roles in it too.

Brest custom workers today are the specialists with economic and juridical education speaking foreign languages  , knowledgeable  in the sphere of computer technology and means of technical control , able to realize on practical level their knowledge of custom legislation and solve successfully the governmental tasks  .

The custom service is not the only activity of the staff of Brest custom office. An important direction is also the moral and financial support of the veterans, the patronizing help to school for invalids, charity activity.

The passion for sport, promotion and encouragement of healthy life style became the "trade mark"of Brest custom workers.  Massive physical and health-improving movement in the working team gives the possibility of having strong teams on service all-round events, track and field, cross country. The masters of football team "Merkukrij" made a nice present for the 70th anniversary of the custom service became the winners of the XIV championship in footzal, the organizer of which became the international police association  IPA.