Address: 224027, Belarus, Brest district, Brest region, v. Vychulki, Meditsynskaya
Str, 5.
Head physician:
Krukovich Alexander Aleksandrovich
Tel.: +375 162 42-70-45, +375 162 97-70-22
Tel./fax: +375 162 97-73-25
Medical-prophylactic establishment “Brest dermatovenereological clinic” is the organizational - methodical center on rendering highly qualified and specialized help to the patients with skin illnesses and infections transmitted by sexual way (ITSW).
Clinic’s task is to decrease the sick rate of the population of the region and render qualified cosmetological help. The clinic has a hospital on 220 beds which includes three branches: venereological, skin and fungoid. There is a polyclinic with 400 visiting dayly. The establishment also includes branch of medical cosmetology, physiotherapeutic branches and branch of a day time hospital. There are moreover in the clinic serological, bacteriological and clinical laboratories in which are carried out the advanced laboratory diagnostics of the infections transmitted by sexual way, and skin diseases in the Republic of Belarus. Since 1992 the anonymous room which carries out inspection and treatment of patients with the infections transmitted by sexual way has been opened. The point of emergency prophylactic of the infections transmitted by sexual way and a room of initial preventive maintenance work round the clock with the trust telephone number - +375 162 97-70-23. A paid parking place, a hairdressing saloon and a room for out-patient treatment of an itch and pediculosis are attached to the clinic.
The assistance in the following spheres is suggested in the Brest regional dermatovenereologic clinic:
- dermatology, including children’s (treatment and prophylactic of skin diseases, consultation of patients with skin problems, giving conclusions on professional effectiveness);
- allergology (carrying out allergological skin tests with 48 types of allergens, specific immunotherapy, treatment and prophylactic of seasonal allergy, rendering urgent help to patients with allergodermatosis);
- venereology (revealing and treatment of the infections transmitted by sexual way: AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhoea, clamidiosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, bacterial infections, herpes, candidiasis, a cytomegalovirus, a virus of papilloma; at the average up to 6 thousand patients with infections transmitted by sexual way receive medical help in the clinic within a year);
- mycology (treatment of fungoid diseases of skin, nails, nail plates removing, disinfection of footwear and clothes);
- gynecology including children’s (modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of inflammatory diseases of urinogenital bodies, including venereal illnesses and others); selection of individual methods of contraception, solving of climacteric period problems, early diagnostics of pregnancy; ULTRASONIC diagnostics; prophylactic examinations);
- urology-andrology (modern diagnostics of inflammatory diseases of urinogenital bodies, blood analysis on sexual hormones, treatment of urethrites, cystitis, prostatitis, definition of the reasons of man?s barreness, the newest techniques of treatment insufficient and unstable erection etc.);
- cosmetology, the department offers more than 70 kinds of services: modern methods of treatment of baldness, seborrhea, acne; painless ways of warts` removing, a vascular grid on the face are widely applied. Experts of the medical cosmetology department offer depilation of hair by cold and hot wax on any site of a body; a painless puncture of ears, umbilicus, a nose, eyebrows; sun deck services. New professional lines of cosmetic means: "Sunoderm", "Mirra-lux", "Christina", "Beauty-image", etc. are applied in work. The hardware cosmetology is widely presented. Hygienic vacuum cleanings, chemical pealing; various kinds of massage; medical, nutritious and lifting masks, etc. are carried out professionally;
- laboratory diagnostics of urinogenital infections applying the world leading technologies; analyses are carried out by the most skilled laboratorians of the region; urgent laboratory researches (the shortest terms in Brest);
- organization-systematic work consists in training of the experts of the region on treatment and diagnostics of the infections transmitted by sexual way, in organization and holding regional and republican seminars on the basis of the clinic, in preparation of normative and instructive materials on dermatovenereology.
Operating mode of the clinic: from 8:00 a.m. till 7:00 p.m. Days off - Saturday, Sunday. The point of emergency prophylactic, a room of initial prophylactic of infections transmitted by sexual way and the dermatovenereologist on duty work round the clock (tel.: 97-70-23).
From year to year the material base of the clinic is being improved. The most important achievements for today are: availability of all kinds of the modern labware on diagnostics of the infections transmitted by sexual way and skin diseases; presence of gynecologic and urological rooms which are engaged in treatment of consequences of ITSW and their prevention. The department of medical cosmetology which popularity is increasing has been opened last years. That dermatocosmeticians with the experience of work more than 10 years work in it is the feature of the medical cosmetology department. The specialists improved their qualification in the republican cosmetological centers. The workplaces in the clinic are being computerized and one of the first new methods of diagnostics and treatment of ITSW is adopted.
At present the “Brest oblast dermatovenereological clinic” offers more than 205 kinds of paid services.
1. At the request of the patient any service can be done anonymously (a method of enciphering of the data of medical card).
2. The own well-equipped laboratory base. The lowest prices in Brest. It is possible to pay by credit card. The prices for inspection on ITSW depend on the cost of the used materials.
3. Urgent laboratory researches (the shortest terms in Brest).
4. Laboratory researches are carried out using import test-systems certificated in Belarus.
5. Disposable medical tools and materials spent on medical purposes, including:
- gynecologic sets "Unona";
- Filkman spoon
- gloves;
- syringes;
- disposable systems for droppers;
- spatula;
- pyrogenal solution;
- gonovaccine;
- condoms;
- earrings;
- cosmetics of "Mirra-lux" and "Christina" lines.
6. The system of discounts is applied. Discounts of 30 % from working costs are offered on complex inspection on 9 types of infections transmitted by sexual way.
Detailed information on the “the Brest oblast dermatovenereologic clinic” can be received on tel. +375 162 97-73-30