Instruction about procedure of carrying out of the National competition of printed mass media "Gold Littera"
1. Instruction about procedure of carrying out of the National competition of printed mass media "Gold Littera" (further - Instruction) is developed in accordance with the paragraph 7 of the point 4 of the Statute about the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus from October, 26, 2001 № 1545 (National register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2001, № 103, 5/9271), in order of realization of state information policy, development of the printed mass media of the Republic of Belarus, formation of a positive image of Belarusian press in the country and abroad.
2. The present Instruction regulates relations, which appear in the process of organization and carrying out of the National competition of printed media (further - Competition).
3. The Organizer of the Competition is the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus .
4. The main objective of the Competition is the every possible assistance to development of the printed mass media of the Republic of Belarus , raising the professional level of journalists and other employees, engaged in the process of production and propagation of the printed mass media.
5. For organization and carrying out of the Competition the Ministry of Information forms the organizational committee, which membership by the order of the Minister of information is asserted. The organization committee acts on the basis of the present Instruction.
6. Organization committee :
- forms jury of the Competition;
- makes proposals to the Minister of information about the order of organization, carrying out and also informational support of the Competition in mass media.
7. Financing of organization and carrying out of the Competition is realized at the cost of the Organizer of the Competition.
The expenses concerned with preparation for participation in the Competition (preparation and decoration of printed and photo- materials to be presented for the competition, post services' payments), participants cover independently.
8. To participation in the Competition are allowed printed mass media, information agencies, registered in accordance with established procedure in the Republic of Belarus , and also individual persons (in case they present a printed mass media or an information agency) in accordance with nominations of the Competition.
9. The argument for participation in the Competition is the application with indication of nomination, to which the publication is declared, signed by the leader and certified by the seal of an organization with the reference information about the publication enclosed, the creative characteristic of a participant, proposed for the personal nomination, and also 2-3 copies of publications. The materials are presented to the Ministry of information with the mark "For National Competition of the Printed Mass Media".
10. Materials for the Competition are represented for the annual period preceding the date of carrying out of the Competition, not later than April, 15 of the current year.
11. Summing up of results of the Competition is conducted according to the nominations:
11.1. Republican periodic printed publications:
11.1.1. Newspapers:
- "The best social-political newspaper";
- "The best newspaper for children and youth";
- "The best branch newspaper";
- "The best newspaper for leisure time, sport and tourism";
- "The best advertising newspaper"
11.1.2. Periodicals:
- "The best social-political, literary and artistic magazine";
- "The best child-youthful magazine";
- "The best scientific, popular science journal";
- "The best specialized periodical";
- "The best magazine for leisure, sport and tourism"
11.2. Regional periodic printed publications:
- "The best regional newspaper";
- "The best district newspaper";
- "The best city newspaper";
- "The best large-circulation newspaper"
- 11.3. "The best information agency"
11.4. Personal nominations:
- "The best reporter";
- "The best reviewer";
- "The best press photographer";
- "The best decorator- designer"
11.5. "The best creative project of the year"
11.6. Special nominations:
- "Polygraphy";
- "Propagation of press";
- "Partnership";
- " Debut ".
12. The preliminary selection of works presented to the Competition the Ministry of Information realizes. The jury sums up the results of the Competition and makes a decision about the winners in each nomination not later than on April, 25 of the current year.
13. The winners of the Competition in each nomination will be awarded by diplomas and commemorative signs - symbols of the Competition.
14. The festive ceremony of celebration of the Competition winners and presentation of diplomas and commemorative signs is carried out annually on May, 5 within the framework of the International specialized exhibition “Mass media in Belarus ” on the eve of the professional holiday, the Day of Press.
15. The materials, presented to the Competition, return during the month from the day of carrying out of the Competition.