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Межбуквенное расстояние
Цветовая схема
по белому
по черному


To the Attention of Investors!

We inform you about holding of a sale tender of shares owned by the Brest region of OAO “Brestskoye Pivo” (89,7301% of the statutory fund), their starting sale price makes up 166 801 500 000 Belarussian roubles.

The sale tender of the batch of shares will be held at 11:00 on the 21st of August of the current year. The place of tender holding is office 119 in the building of Brest Regional Executive Committee (Brest, Lenin street, 11).

More detailed information on the terms and conditions of the tender and the tender procedure is given below.

We shall be glad to see you among the tender participants. 

Name of the economic company,

its seat

Statutory Fund (SF), number of shares

Nominal value of one share, roubles

Government stake in SF of the economic company, in % to SF

Offered for sale (privatization object)

Initial price of shares offered for sales, roubles

Amount of deposit to be paid for participation in the tender, roubles

number of shares

in % to SF

Public Joint Stock Company  “Brestskoye Pivo”

(OAO “Brestskoye Pivo”)

Brest, Baumanskaya street, 18

2 130 340

3 000


1 911 557


166 801 500 000

16 680 150 000

Terms and Conditions of the Tender:

1. Investment by the winner of the sale tender of shares owned by the Brest region of the Public Joint Stock Company “Brestskoye Pivo” (hereinafter referred to as Tender) within 36 months from the date of conclusion of a contract of shares sale to the Public Joint Stock Company “Brestskoye Pivo” (hereinafter referred to as OAO “Brestskoye Pivo”) for its development, including implementation of measures specified in sub-item 3.1.1, item 3 of the terms and conditions of the tender, the means in the amount of at least 10,0 million US dollars (at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus: for monetary means – at the date of effecting of payment by the payer’s bank; for other assets – at the date of their reception-transfer), of which by purchasing the shares of additional issue to the amount of at least 5,0 million US dollars (at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus: for monetary means – at the date of effecting of payment by the payer’s bank; for other assets – at the date of their reception-transfer).

2. Payment by the tender winner of a cash deposit to the statutory fund of OAO “Brestskoye Pivo” by means of purchasing the shares of additional issue to the amount equivalent to the tax due of OAO “Brestskoye Pivo” formed at the date of conclusion of the shares sale contract, assuring the allocation to OAO “Brestskoye Pivo” the money received from that private subscription, to discharge the above indebtedness within 12 months from the date of conclusion of the shares sale contract.

3. The tender winner must ensure:

3.1. within 36 months from the date of conclusion of the contract of shares sale to OAO “Brestskoye Pivo”:

3.1.1. modernization of beer production with bringing the beer production capacity to at least 8,0 million dL per year;

3.1.2. maintenance of the rate of nominal payable monthly wages of workers at the annual rate not less than the rate of nominal payable monthly wages existing in Brest region;

3.1.3. maintenance of the average number of workers at the level actually existing at the date of conclusion of the shares sale contract;

3.2. profitable operation of OAO “Brestskoye Pivo” at the end of the year following the year in which the tender winner will fulfill a stipulation specified in sub-item 3.1.1, item 3 of the terms and conditions of the tender.

The tender is carried out in compliance with the Regulation on procedures for privatization object sale tenders approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 31st December 2010 No.1929 “On Measures for Implementation of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “Concerning the Introduction of Amendments and Additions to Certain Laws of the Republic of Belarus and Annulment of Certain Acts of Legislation of the Republic of Belarus and their Certain Provisions in the Matter of State Property Privatization”.

Date, place and time of tender holding: 21st August 2015 at 11:00 at the address: Brest, Lenin street, 11, office 119 (the building of the Regional Executive Committee).

Tender organizer: BrestRegionalTerritorialState Property Fund under instructions of Brest Regional Executive Committee, Brest, Lenin street, 11.

In order to participate in the tender the following documents must be submitted (to the 5th August 2015 inclusive):

            application for participation in the tender in due form determined by the resolution of the State Committee on Property of the Republic of Belarus of 9th March 2011 No.25;

            legal entities – residents of the Republic of Belarus: copies of the statutes (memorandum of association for a profit-making organization that acts only by virtue of the memorandum of association) with a stamp confirming a state registration and the certificate of state registration and their originals for attestation of the copies by the tender organizer, a power of attorney for a legal entity representative (if the legal entity is not represented by its manager) or a document that confirms the power of the legal entity manager (an appointment order or attested abstract of resolution of the general meeting, the management board or any other management body of the legal entity in compliance with constituent documents, or a labour agreement (contract) or a relevant civil contract);

            legal entities, other organizations that are not residents of the Republic of Belarus: copies of constituent documents legalized in prescribed manner and an abstract of trade register of the country of origin (the abstract should be made not earlier than 6 months before the date of filing of the application) or any other equisignificant proof of the legal status in compliance with the legislation of the country of origin with a notarially certified translation into Byelorussian or Russian language, a power of attorney for a representative of the legal entity or of any other organization legalized in prescribed manner, or other documents legalized in prescribed manner with a notarially certified translation into Byelorussian or Russian language;

            individual businessmen – residents of the Republic of Belarus: copy of the certificate of state registration and its original for attestation of the copy by the tender organizer;

            individual businessmen who are not residents of the Republic of Belarus: a legalized document confirming his status with a notarially certified translation into Byelorussian or Russian language;

            representatives of citizens of the Republic of Belarus, individual businessmen – residents of the Republic of Belarus: a notarially sertified power of attorney;

            representatives of foreign natural persons, individual businessmen who are not residents of the Republic of Belarus: a legalized power of attorney with a notarially certified translation into Byelorussian or Russian language.

When submitting documents for participation in the tender, natural persons, individual businessmen, representatives of natural persons, individual businessmen, legal entities, other organizations should present the original person identity document and its copy for attestation by the tender organizer.

A tender participant should submit to the tender organizer a document confirming the consent of transaction given by the anti-monopoly authority (on or prior to 17th August 2015).

A deposit for participation in the tender is paid in Belarussian roubles and should be transferred on or prior to 14th August 2015.

Requisite details for deposit transfer: settlement account 3642441148013, Directorate of OAO “Belinvest bank” in Brest region, bank code739, recipient of payment: the fund “Brestoblimushchestvo”, UNN 200020538.

On the 21st August 2015 tender participants undergo a final registration and submit sealed tender offers to the commission.

The tender winner must reimburse the costs of arrangement and holding of the tender within 3 working days from the date of its holding.

On the results of the tender a shares sale contract is concluded within 20 calendar days from the date of its holding.

The tender winner (on his written application) is granted the right to pay the selling price of shares by installments with payment of the initial fee in the amount at least 30% of the selling price, and the remaining sum - in monthly equal amounts by 1/35 with indexation of payments on the basis of the price index of industrial and technology products manufacturers calculated and published by the National Statistic Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

Documents for participation in the tender are accepted by the fund “Brestoblimushchestvo” at the address: Brest, Lenin street, 11, office 58, tel. (0162) 21 11 79, 21 12 08, 21 12 16 from 8.30 to 17.30 on weekdays.