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Главная ROOT Область Economic Entrepreneurship

Development of entrepreneurship in Brest region

11/03/2013 06:03
Subjects of entrepreneurship

36702 entrepreneurs, 6649 private commercial organizations, 447 enterprises with foreign investments, 456 farm enterprises were registered in the tax books of the region as for September 1, 2008.

The quantity of registered individual entrepreneurs (+975), private commercial organizations (+1675), enterprises with foreign investments (+8), farm enterprises (+8) has increased in comparison with the beginning of the year.

Creation of new working places

At present 97.5 thousand people or 16.2% of all engaged in economic activity in the region work in the sphere of small business.

10416 new working places (72.3% of the task for the year 2008) were created in the sphere of small business during the first half year of 2008. In the small towns 2498 new working places (78.5% of the task) were created. The lowest rate of the fulfillment of the annual task is in town Kamenets (42.7%), town Mikashevichi (46.2%), rural settlement Shereshevo (40.0%).

State financial support

In the first quarter of 2008 according to the results of the business-projects contest carried out by the committee on economy, the decision of the regional executive committee of 25.03.2008 №221 was made about the rendering from the means of the regional budget, provided for the development of entrepreneurship, state support to 9 subjects of small business, which conduct their activity in small towns and rural area, for the sum of 280 million rubles for the creation of 51 new working places.