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In Belarus is allowed to ascribe the switch rate to the prime cost when importing raw materials

11/03/2013 06:03
Belarusian enterprises are allowed to ascribe in full volume to the prime costs as well as include in the expenses the difference between the exchange course and the course of the National bank when paying for raw materials, goods (work and services).

As it was reported to the agency "Interfax- Zapad " in the press service of the president of the Republic of Belarus it was foreseen by Decree N 7 by means of which was introduced a change in Decree N 15 from June 30 2000 "On the order of holding revaluation of property and duties in foreign currency during the change of courses of foreign currency by the National bank and reflection in bookkeeping course differences.

When fulfilling capital deposits in major funds and non material actives of expenses connected with the purchase of currency will be ascribed by commercial organizations to the cost of these major funds and non material actives as was underlined in the press service.

The existing order from June 2000 of ascribing the course differences foresees that to the prime cost is attributed the course difference in the range of the sum related to the sum equivalent to the produced  foreign currency meant for selling in the  reported year. The rest of the sum is attributed to income .

  • The first I&R portal of Belarus “Interfax”