From July 1st 2009 in the countries of the European Union will be introduced the system of registration and identification of management entities (further the system of EORI).
Execution of trade with the countries of the third world foresees the usage by the participants of the external economic activity given registration numbers EORI.
Every country from the countries that are members of the European union work out their own national system EORI that will be part of the general system of EORI of the European union.
The entities of the external economic activity are subjected to single-phase registration in the system of EORI by means of conferment of a unique identification number of EORI that they will have to use on the territory of the whole EU when making transactions and customs operations for the execution of which their identification is obligatory.
The management entities from the countries of the third world (non-residents of the EU).
can appeal (in written form of by e-mail) for the acquisition of a number of EORI to any custom organ of any country that is member of the EU before planned custom operations on the territory of the EU;
turn with a request of awarding number of EORI during the execution of the first custom operation for the realization of which is necessary to use the number of EORI (in accordance with the legislation system of the EU) in case when the number wasn’t attributed in any other country member of the EU.
Only one number of EORI can be attributed to any management entity.
For instance, in Poland management entities will be able to register in the system of EORI in the following way:
by producing a registration statement (in written form) at custom posts and custom offices on the territory of Poland. Statement can also be sent by mail;
personally by the applicant or a deputy head owing the warrant;
statement must be presented before the first custom operation or during it’s execution.
For the entities from the countries of the third world that are situated outside the EU polish custom services have introduced a form of a statement «PG-Z» that will be meant not only for registration but for the actualization, correction, supplement of the data and cancellation of the number. When supplying a statement for registration is required depending on the type of activity among other documents the following data: NIP (the identification number of a tax payer), PESEL (identification personal number of a citizen), identity card, passport, KRS (the number in the state judicial register), REGON (state register of management entities), the number given for the execution of custom formalities by the corresponding organ of the third country if an entity owns it and also the documents(copies of documents) confirming the credibility of the stated information.
The entity will be informed on the number of EORI given to him:
orally by the member of a custom service who accepts the registration statement (in case when a management entity turned with a statement for the acquisition of EORI during the realization of the first custom operation ),
by means of internet site where there will be published the list of acquired confirmed numbers of EORI (according to the numbers of statements without any connection with denomination / surname of the entity ),
additionally by e-mail if it’s stated in the statement.
At present times only Polish custom has informed about the execution of information campaign during which will be clarified the demands to the entities during the period of registration, changes in the functioning legislation system of the EU, procedures connected with the conferment and usage of number of EORI and there will be also pointed the sources of additional information about EORI. During the campaign there will be also spread information materials in Russian, English, German and French languages. In particular at the following address in the part Sluzba Celna/Rejestr EORI (Custom service / Register EORI) have been already published the materials as well as running information about implementation of the system of EORI.
News block of the site of State Custom Committee of Belarus