Object name
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Information on object of public catering
1. Bar "Tevkom"
7 km (right)
Katin Bohr St., 111
bar on 50 seats;
operating mode: from 10:00 till 01:00, without days off
infrastructure - parking, service station of freight vehicles, car wash,
in the menu house specialties: salad «Paparats kvetka», machanka, stewed ribs by the Belarusian recipes,
the average account of the...
Belarusian cuisine has very rich and interesting history during many centures. It has much in common with cuisines of environing nations: Russians, Ukrainians, Poles and also it test the great effect of nearest cuisines – Lithuanian and Latvian.
Belarusian cuisine has persistently saved national particular qualities which depend on specialization of farm since olden times – production of meat, milk, vegetables, grain, potatoes.
Recipes of Belarusian cuisine frequently...