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Главная ROOT Область Economic Foreign economic activity
11/03/2013 07:03
In December 2011 in Truskavets (Ukraine) took V meeting of the Joint Monitoring Committee of Cross Border Cooperation Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2007-2013. From Brest in the meeting was attended by members of the Joint Monitoring Committee, deputy chairman of the executive committee of the economy, the head of WPP Kolyadichi Igor. The meeting discussed: the progress of the program, report on the implementation of the Program in 2011, and approved a plan of the Joint...
11/03/2013 06:03
The volume of foreign trade with goods for three quarters of the year 2010 comprised 2219,2 mln.dollars, including export – 1137 mln.dollars, import – 1082,2 mln.dollars. The balance of foreign trade with goods «plus» 54,8 mln.dollars. The share of Brest region in general volume of export of the Republic of Belarus comprised 6,5%, import – 4,6%. The volume of export and import for three quarters of the year 2010 is shown in the following table:...
11/03/2013 06:03
In the first half of 2009  there were registered volumes of export-import operations with 103 countries of the world. Goods were brought to markets of 52 countries there  were imported products from 98 countries.  The volume of foreign trade of Brest region in the first half of 2009  comprised 1104,6 mln.dollars USA (70,6% to the level of the first half 2008 ), including export 536,4 mln.dollars  USA (65,2 %). The volume of foreign trade with the countries of CIS comprised...
11/03/2013 06:03
From July 1st 2009 in the countries of the European Union will be introduced the system of registration and identification of management entities (further the system of EORI). Execution of trade with the countries of the third world foresees the usage by the participants of the external economic activity given registration numbers EORI. Every country from the countries that are members of the European union work out their own national system EORI that will be part of the general...
11/03/2013 06:03
Belarusian enterprises are allowed to ascribe in full volume to the prime costs as well as include in the expenses the difference between the exchange course and the course of the National bank when paying for raw materials, goods (work and services). As it was reported to the agency "Interfax- Zapad " in the press service of the president of the Republic of Belarus it was foreseen by Decree N 7 by means of which was introduced a change in Decree N 15 from June 30 2000 "On the order of...
11/03/2013 06:03
Priority 1 Increasing the competitiveness of the border area through modernisation and development of the cross-border infrastructure Priority 2 Developing the human capital and institutional cross-border cooperation including security at the European Union’s borders Priority 3 Technical Assistance Measure 1.1.: Modernisation and development of the existing cross-border transport network to increase accessibility Measure 2.1.: Strengthening of...
11/03/2013 06:03
Procedure for evaluation and selection of applications Applications shall be submitted to the Joint Technical Secretariat, which is responsible for their registration, formal and technical evaluation and creation of a list of evaluated applications. Next, the Joint Technical Secretariat shall present the list of applications to the Steering Committee which selects projects for implementation. The selected beneficiary whose project is to be co-financed from the ERDF funds is...
11/03/2013 06:03
Enlargement of the European Union by ten Member States contributed to the increase in the number of programmes under Community Initiative INTERREG III (component A - cross-border cooperation). In parallel, it was necessary to redefine the Union’s policy towards its new neighbours: Belarus, the Ukraine and the Balkans which, together with the eastern territories of the Union, constitute a common area. The sign of the new approach is a communication of the European Commission of 1 July 2003...

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